
Podcast & Blog

Podcast & Blog2023-05-15T20:06:37+00:00

Food Addiction & Dieting

Potato chips, soft drinks, cookies, crackers, cereal, cakes, candy….. When you walk into a grocery store, you’re inundated with aisle upon aisle of high calorie, processed food, loaded with chemicals, sugar, salt, and fat. It’s no wonder so many of us have become addicted! And it didn’t happen by...

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#63: Your Smart Watch is Lying to You

Hello there! Today I'm going to be talking to you about why your smartwatch may be lying to you. Now, let me explain. As you know, there is a huge trend these days to wear smartwatches and fitness trackers so that you can calculate your steps and how...

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Four Steps to Change Any Habit

Ever notice how you take the same route home every day, and, even if you planned to make a stop or go somewhere else, you automatically drive home? That's because it's your habit. Your regular routine. Your brain's path of least resistance. ​Your brain is programmed to conserve...

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Struggling with Fits and Starts

When I ask women what their biggest health struggle is, the most common answer is, "carrying extra weight." And, when I ask what they've tried in the past to release the weight, they tell me about all the different diets and exercise programs they've tried. But the issue...

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It’s Not About Discipline or Willpower

I hear from women over and over again that they believe they're not consistent with their wellness routine because they don't have enough "discipline" or "willpower." "I should be able to do this on my own..." "I just don't understand why I can't stick with it..." "I'm successful...

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How to Reverse-Age

Are you interested in turning back your biological clock? Duh! Who isn’t?! Yes, there are creams…..and injections…..and hair color…..and all kinds of nips and tucks…..but did you know there’s proven way to slow and reverse the aging process at the cellular and genetic level? STRENGTH TRAINING: The Anti-Aging Secret...

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