As women, we wear a lot of hats. We’re mothers, business professionals, coaches, and so much more. But in the midst of that hustle and grind, many of us don’t find ourselves feeling great. 

Juggling so much on our plate is quick to drain us of our energy and can make us lose passion in many of the things we were once so gung-ho about. 

But, a lot of us find comfort in being busy, despite how it makes us feel. So, if you’re feeling stuck in a situation right now, how can you break that cycle and take action in what inspires you? Here are a few ways.

Notice what you’re thinking patterns are

Maybe you’ve been stuck in a situation, or are currently in a situation, where your intuition is telling you that it’s not good for you. 

This could be a job, a marriage, a living arrangement, but fear is holding you back from making a change. It’s in these moments that we really need to evaluate our thinking patterns.

Try to identify what false beliefs that are in your mind that are making you feel like you can’t do this. Many of us have been programmed over the years to believe certain things about ourselves that are not true. It’s up to us to do the work to decode what this is for us in order to move forward.

Challenge your negative voice

The “false” beliefs or negative voices in our head that are telling us we’re not good enough can make it even harder to feel like we’re worthy or capable of making a change. Once we challenge those face-to-face, we can really break the cycle of self-doubt.

Anytime that negative voice is trying to distract you from moving forward, remind yourself of your other successes and your strengths. If you were able to persevere and be successful before, there’s no reason you can’t do it again. 

Take action

No matter how small, do something that helps you move forward. No, you don’t need to get up and quit your job tomorrow, but you can take some steps along the way to really ground yourself in the present moment. 

This could be as simple as journaling and going within to uncover your thoughts, feelings and emotions about a situation that is draining you. It can force you to process what’s going on and open up space for you to push forward and take the action that you want. 

Tap into your female intuition 

I’m a firm believer that the universe has an incredible way of giving you hints and whispers in your life, otherwise known as your intuition. 

The longer you don’t take action, the louder the universe is going to nudge you to do so. So many of us have a hard time letting go of difficult situations due to fear, but when we tune into our intuition, it can really guide us in the direction that we need to be.

We need to start challenging that inner critic’s voice inside or our head, and we replace it with truth. This will all guide us forward to the place that we’re meant to be.