Think back to some of the investments you’ve made in the past regarding your health and wellness. Maybe it was a recipe book of some kind or a weight loss program. Or, maybe it was as big as an exciting new piece of gym equipment or gym membership.

Now, I want you to think about the use you got out of it. Did you really end up using it consistently? Or, did it end up getting used a few times in the beginning, put on the shelf, and end up collecting dust.

The truth is, we’ve all been there, and if this is happening often with some of your investments on programs, they likely weren’t worth it. But don’t lose hope, because the products that do allow you to get your true money’s worth are out there – it’s all about knowing what to look for and what to avoid.

Issues with some paid weight loss and diet programs

Let’s first start by breaking down some of the issues with paid programs out there so that you can get an idea for what you should start to avoid.

They don’t give you the actual support.

Oftentimes, a lot of paid programs out there lack the true support you need, and I don’t know about you, but for me, apps, getting weekly emails, or little reminders on my smart watch have never been enough.

Sure, they may have some valuable gems of information, but you don’t have the person behind those apps or emails physically there to help you show up and meet your goals. Sometimes you just need someone to walk with you and go through things step by step.

They’re very one-size-fits-all.

If you frequent weight loss and diet programs, and still haven’t found the right one for you, this is something you’ve likely caught on in your journey.

Every person is different and so are their goals. How is one paid program catered for multiple users supposed to meet each and every one of your individual needs or hold you accountable?

For many paid programs, this isn’t possible unless you’re working with someone who is actually there for you to work and support you in person.

They follow a script.

What about the programs with coaches that actually promise one-on-one time with you? In these cases, the support that you get tends to take a one-size-fits-all approach where it’s as if they’re following a script. They often have a set agenda of points to make and everyone that they work with gets the same spiel regardless of their unique journey or situation.

They lack compassion.

Lastly, one issue with many paid programs out there today is that they lack the core aspect of compassion.

For many coaches behind some of these programs, they’re here for a job and nothing more than that. They don’t take into account what other factors in your life are making it harder for you to achieve your goals. They can’t listen to you and hear about your patterns or challenges.

Factors of weight loss and diet programs that are worth your money

Now that we’ve talked through some of the factors of weight loss and diet programs that will make it harder for you to get a good return on your investment, let’s talk about those factors of programs that ARE worth your investment.

The program is tailored with you in mind.

As a weight loss coach, the basis of my mission is to put every client that I work with, first. I take the time to develop individual relationships with my clients, have one on ones with them to encourage them, support them, and discuss their goals so that we can conquer them together.

A program that is tailored with you in mind and puts you first is worth the investment. You can think about your journey only and about what you can do to get from point A to point B.

The coach truly shows up an encourages you to show up, too.

It’s so easy to turn off the reminders on your smart watch, or delete an email from a program you’ve purchased and push those to the side.

When you work with a weight loss coach or personal trainer that is passionate about what they do and wants you to succeed, they show up and expect you to show up as well.

They’re live, real, and in person, and are there for you every step of the way. Support is so important and for some, getting that true one-on-one time is the key to their success.

You still get value for free.

Some of the best kinds of paid programs out there are the ones that give you value for free. They’re the programs where you know that regardless of how much you pay, you KNOW you’re going to gain valuable, useful information and resources that will bring you a step closer to your goals.

Some of these programs may not even hesitate to offer free resources, guides, and information because they’re just that passionate about seeing you crush your goals. These are the programs you want to stay close to.

They incorporate the “mindset piece”.

As we discussed earlier, everyone’s journey is different. We all come from different walks of life and have experiences that may have given us limiting beliefs about our ability to conquer certain goals or get to the weight that we want to.

A paid program that will always be worth it are the ones that incorporate something I like to call the “mindset piece,” in other words, getting down to the root cause about why you’re continuing to repeat certain patterns or why you keep failing. They are there to help you to shift your mindset, encourage you, hold you accountable, and work with you to help you figure out how you can give yourself the care you deserve.

I’m here to help.

As a weight loss coach, I’ll be the first to say that it is SO easy to get sucked into investing in weight loss and diet programs nowadays. It’s also becoming harder than ever for people to find a program that is tailored to their needs and helps them conquer their goals.

Know that when you work with me, I will give you 100% of myself every step of the way. Between my weekly podcasts, free courses, paid programs, and private/group weight loss coaching, I show up in many ways to give you access to what is going to help you succeed.

Look for those programs that are going to show up for you, not just through alerts, emails, or texts, but in person. If you are ready to feel empowered and gain more control over your journey, book your FREE discovery call with me here to learn how we can work together.

Don’t forget to tune in weekly to my podcast as I share more advice that’s going to help you achieve and live your best life.