When I ask women what their biggest health struggle is, the most common answer is, “carrying extra weight.”

And, when I ask what they’ve tried in the past to release the weight, they tell me about all the different diets and exercise programs they’ve tried.

But the issue persists, despite their best efforts and intentions.

They lose it, then gain it back. Over and over.

But what if the weight isn’t actually the problem, but a symptom.

A message from your body to signal that something deeper needs your attention.

Every problem has a solution. But if you keep treating it with the same methods that aren’t working, it’s time to change tracks.

It’s time to get to the ROOT, so you can deal with the deeper issue that’s causing you to hold on to the extra weight.

Are you:

  • Eating your emotions?
  • Self-soothing?
  • Avoiding uncomfortable feelings?
  • Taking on too much stress?
  • Holding on to past traumas?
  • Lonely, sad, bored, or unsatisfied?

If so, THAT’s the root of the problem. And eating is just a symptom….a “check-engine” light that’s urging you to take deeper action.

So I invite you to look within. Heal yourself from the INSIDE OUT. And release what’s no longer serving you.

For good this time!