I get asked a lot about my professional title: Women’s Weight Release & Body Love Coach.

Some people feel the two are in opposition.

If you want to release weight, does that mean you don’t love your body?

Do you have to release weight BEFORE you can start loving your body?

The answer to both of these is, unequivocally, NO!!

You love your body for all the amazing things it does for you.

  • Your legs move you through life and take you wherever you want to go.
  • Your arms carry your babies, hug your loved ones, and work hard for you every day.
  • Your stomach and breasts, in many cases, give life.
  • Your beautiful hips and curves represent your femininity.

Your body is the most incredible, complex machine ever created. And it deserves unconditional love, no matter your age, size, or physical condition.

AND, wanting to look and feel your best isn’t vain or superficial.

Everyone wants and deserves to move through the world with ease and confidence.

Getting healthy is one of THE MOST LOVING things you can do for your body. It means you’re honoring it and giving it the appreciation it deserves.