Today I have a guest, Julia Thie! Julia is a clinical hypnotherapist, and for those of us who don’t know what that is and or have heard the word hypnotherapy and don’t know what that is, we can tell you all about it!

We all think that hypnotherapy might be based on Las Vegas stage shows or television and the watch swinging and that sort of thing, and it makes it look like there’s some sort of loss of control or something. And that’s not what it is at all.

I think that does it a big disservice because it is about inner healing. It’s forming a communication between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. And instead of thinking of it as losing control, you’re gaining control because you start to see the unraveling of behaviors that you’re not sure why you even do.

We don’t know what’s in our subconscious and don’t realize how much that drives our actions.

We call the subconscious mind the great doer. You know, we think it’s our frontal brain that’s running the show and making decisions. And it can make decisions all day long, but you will only act on what your subconscious believes and wants to do.

The beauty of personal one-on-one clinical hypnotherapy is that it can be so personalized because you can have a symptom like, I can’t tame my food cravings, or  I don’t sleep. So let’s say a person comes and they say, emotional eating. Emotional eating can be so many different reasons for each person. And the beauty of it is, is that it, we call it root and branch. Like the branches are the manifestation of the symptoms, but the root cause for one person, it could be something way back in their childhood. For another person, it could be a really bad boss. Something that our subconscious started to believe, and it’s not true,

When you go into the subconscious and discover where the programming comes from, sometimes you find out, sometimes you don’t, and sometimes you don’t even need to know. It could even be preverbal. 

What Julia is doing is helping us have the freedom to tap into who we really are authentically and our own intuition and knowing, so that we’re no longer driven by all those false beliefs we’ve collected over the years. Suddenly we’re acting in our own power.

I call it core healing because your connection to your higher self is at the core.

Julia’s sessions are usually done in sets of three. Sessions are about an hour and a half, and they can be online or in person. 

As we mentioned earlier, we imagine hypnosis as like you’re put into a trance. So some people might be scared to try it. But in hypnosis, we shift the brainwaves, like in meditation.

So it’s nothing where you don’t have control. It’s nothing where you could program some weird, you know, tick or whatever. It’s nothing like that. It’s really just calming your system, calming your body so that you can start your mind, can those things that are in there can start surfacing

You have control. You could stop it at any time. You could say, no, I don’t want to go there. You’re not helpless. You’re totally there. You just have a guide to help you try to find those pain points, those vulnerable spots that are hard to uncover.

Action Steps

A couple of things we’ve already covered is that the subconscious doesn’t really have language like alphabet language, but words can trigger feelings. So if I say something like the word, freedom, what does that do in your body? Because every thought has a physical response. Either it’ll contract or expand.

The key is repetition, because repetition is one of the ways the subconscious gets reprogrammed. Like you might hear a negative thing from your boss one time, but you hear it every day for years. It starts to become your reality. It creates a brain pathway. And so we have to create new ones. So the old ones die away.

Self-hypnosis is literally foraging a new path, a new brain pathway. So the main thing to understand is that most people know fight or flight. The stress response that your autonomic nervous system, the branch, is called your sympathetic. So you want to go out of that and into what’s called parasympathetic rest and digest, right? And this is the place where you heal. You don’t necessarily heal when you’re in fight or flight. 

Julia’s website is, and when you go there at the bottom of the homepage, you can schedule a free consultation on the phone to just discuss, “Is this the right thing to work on? Is this the right time to work on it? How might that work for me?”

Get in touch with Julia today!