Today I have a special guest with me, Carrie Rowan. She is a mindset energy coach, and she’s also an international bestselling author. Carrie’s here today to give us some tips, tell us about the book, and give us some action steps so that we can start learning to tell ourselves a new story.

Stories are so interesting, right? Because a lot of times, I find in this work that we don’t even realize we’re telling ourselves these disempowering stories. Stories are wonderful, and stories have been passed down for generations. It’s the oldest form of communication anywhere. And so we’ve been telling stories, but we don’t realize some of the stories don’t support us anymore. They don’t support who we want to be. And so when we can stop and take a look, and you start catching yourselves telling a story that doesn’t support you, then you can decide that this isn’t not supporting me and where I want to be. 

I talk a lot about victim stories because we all have victim stories. We just do that naturally. And a lot of times, we find ourselves bonding through our victim stories. 

So to break that habit, we have to embrace those stories. 

I think we all sort of tend to accentuate the negative. It is just automatic. It must be just a human condition that blows up in our minds way bigger than the positive. I know one of my stories for sure that all my listeners know is that I had breast cancer three years ago. I had all the treatments, chemotherapy and mastectomy, radiation two and a half years of treatments. But I’ve come out on the other side, healthy, strong, and powerful, learning so much about myself and being better and better able to serve other people. And, yes, that was a horrifying experience. It was very tough. But that’s not my main story. My main story is I’m a survivor. I am thriving. I have rebuilt my health from the ground up. And that if I can do that, anyone can.

And I love that Carrie’s book helps you explore what this is for you. Because I believe that when we are authentic and vulnerable and show people our true selves, that gives them permission to do the same. 

Exactly. And so I love that your book points out that this is such a great thing to do and exactly how you can do it.

And the conclusions that we draw, we draw these conclusions if then, well, this must be true about me because this is what happened here way back when, when it could have just been somebody else had a bad day, or your parents were just doing the best job they could. Or any of these other things that you can plant in your head because we have that stuff that we believe isn’t necessarily true. And that’s why stories are important because stories contain a little microcosm of our whole life. If you know somebody’s story, you can figure out a lot about them.

Awareness is always the first step in making change.

Once you start realizing your limiting beliefs, they no longer stay automatic. And that’s the beauty of it. It creates this positive momentum in the right direction.

Action Steps

What Carrie teaches to all her clients, set up a non-negotiable morning routine. That means it’s non-negotiable. You’re doing it whether you have to run out and do something you didn’t expect, then get up a little bit earlier to do that morning routine and whatever that means for you. For me, it’s meditation. And then I have these little, three-by-five cards that I write down my goals, and I write down what my intentions are. Because we humans all need a little reminder.