Nancy O’Keefe is here today! She is a human design specialist and an intuitive coach, so she has a lot of information to share with us on how human design can help improve your health and improve your life. She’s going to explain exactly what that is and how we can utilize it to be our healthiest. 

Human Design

Human design is reasonably new. It came into being in 1987, and it’s a personality assessment. Human design is like an energetic blueprint. It describes who you are and how you’re wired to operate in the world at your highest potential. Nancy does readings and also runs courses so people can understand their human design.

You know, a lot of us are searching for that. We don’t know who we truly are. And I know, as women, we’re told by society who we should be and, you know, check off these boxes, and here’s the careers that you’re good at. And I love that Nancy helps us sort of figure out what our life’s purpose is.

We are all suffering from what’s called conditioning. How we’re told to act, how we’re told to do things, how we’re told to be. And you know, some of it’s great advice, but some of it’s just not. It doesn’t fit you because everyone is unique. 

We’re divinely designed. There are no two of us that are exactly the same. So when subscribing to these sort of cookie-cutter ideas about things, we’re doing ourselves a disservice.

A Simple Action Step

Get a pen and paper and take the pen and put it in your non-dominant hand, the one you don’t normally write with. And then sign your name. When you sign your name like that, most times, people will say, oh, that looks awful. It feels terrible. It’s so awkward. Now, if you put the pen in your dominant writing hand and sign your name, people will say things like, Ugh, that was easy. It was effortless.

And that’s really the difference between living your human design and fighting against your human design.

Being uncomfortable takes more energy, and it doesn’t feel like a good way of living, and you don’t have to do that. And it’s simple little tweaks to get back in the flow. You don’t have to make huge life changes. You can live out your life purpose in any number of careers. It’s more about a way of being than what you’re doing. You just have to get in alignment with who you truly are and bring that forward. I guarantee that whatever job you’re in, it’s going to make your performance better. It’s going to make you feel more at ease and more comfortable with what you do. And you’ll probably enjoy it more because you’re being who you are.

A large part of human design talks about your strategy, how you’re meant to respond in the world to things that come your way. There’s a big piece around decision-making because we’ve been taught how to make decisions all of our lives, and it’s really incorrect. 

Making Decisions

We’ve been told to be logical, think it through, and weigh the pros and cons. But to make a correct decision that’s aligned with who you are, it’s about feeling into the decision and finding out in other parts of your body, depending on your energy type, whether it’s the right choice for you. So you will actually feel it. 

Our society is largely based on a male model because, over history, males have been the leaders, the ones in charge. So society has fallen into place behind that. As a result, women’s intuition and our femininity have been discounted as moody and hormonal. If we want to change the world and how society thinks and views, we have to tap into that and lean into it.

It can be hard. Getting outside your comfort zone can be difficult, but you’re not alone.