When you use the word “healthy,” what does that really mean to you? Being healthy goes beyond just eating healthy and working out consistently. I’m a firm believer that if you truly want to be healthy, all other aspects of your life have to be healthy too.

This doesn’t just happen overnight—It takes time and inner work, but the good news is that we are all capable of deepening our relationship with ourselves and with other people.

Doing your own inner work 

In life, we may find ourselves stuck in situations that may not be great for our mental and physical well being.

Doing your own inner work involves getting to know who you are, who you need, what you deserve. It’s the process of doing a deep dive into your true potential. When you do you own inner work, you become healthier and may even start to recognize how unhealthy some of your relationships are. 

Once you know how to do that, everything else will fall into place. Your authentic self will attract those who are meant to be in your life whether this be a partner or a friendship. 


Doing your inner work is a lot easier said than done, but what does that actually look like and how do you start doing it? The acronym: T.A.C.O may be able to help.

T.A.C.O stands for trust, attract, connect, and “oh, yeah,” all which may be able to serve as blueprints for deepening your relationship with yourself, others and doing inner work on your own.


In life’s most difficult scenarios, it’s vital that we remember to trust the journey that we are on. 

Whether it be full of ups and downs, highs and lows, we have to trust in our potential and the universe, God, spirit, or higher power. Trust that what you are going through is unique to you and your individual journey.


After “trust” comes “attract.” Once you’ve been able to put your trust in your journey and step into your most authentic self, you can attract what you want in your life. 

Whether this be a significant other, a career opportunity, or anything else, you can attract what you want by feeding your soul and being specific about what you want. 


Connecting not only refers to connecting with yourself, it refers to connecting with others. It involves being vulnerable, being in the flow with yourself, and connecting at all levels.

For a lot of us, this can be a scary thing to do. Putting yourself out there isn’t easy, especially if you’ve been in situations where your vulnerability was taken for granted. 

It isn’t until you’ve fully connected with yourself and with others that you can give the person that’s meant to be with you, the opportunity to be with you. You have to trust that the higher power wants you to succeed and you are here for a reason. 

Oh, yeah

The final step of the process involves celebrating who you are. It’s celebrating your body, your life, your connections and what you have. 

It may not be perfect and you may still be growing and healing, but it’s about honoring the strength that it took for you to overcome the situations that you did.

Trusting your intuition 

If you’re looking to start your T.A.C.O plan, it starts with trusting in your intuition. This can be as simple as trusting in the little nudges that you get each day. 

You can even look at aspects of your life where you’ve made really good decisions. Whether that’s a career, a relationship, or other major decisions that you’ve made that turned out great, those are all reminders and examples that your trust in those decisions served you well, and it can serve you well again.

It’s always important to remember that just because a relationship, friendship, or decision in your life that you’ve made didn’t work out, doesn’t mean you’re not good at listening to your intuition or that it’s wrong. 

Our own individual journey is our own and will teach us a lot on the way. It’s vital that we continue honoring those moments, staying true to those moments and keeping the faith that what’s meant for us, will be.