Today, I want to talk about how we can create our most successful year yet.

And when I say success, I don’t just mean with work. That could also include your physical body, space, and environment. In addition, it could consist of relationships with your family, loved ones, and, most importantly, your internal relationship with yourself. So I want to share with you a new year’s reflection and manifestation ritual that will help us reflect on the past year and set some intentions for next year.

When I say intentions, I don’t mean resolutions. I don’t really believe in resolutions because, if you’ve noticed, you come up with the same resolutions every year, and then come mid-January, end of January, those have all gone out the window.

Setting intentions can be powerful in setting new things in motion.

But, if you want something new in your life, you have to change your inner landscape. This ritual will help you uncover your inner beliefs and help you see what’s possible. Because it’s our inner beliefs that cause us to feel emotions, and our emotions create thoughts and drive our actions.

Step One

You’re going to just set aside some uninterrupted time just all to yourself. You want to get comfortable, make sure it’s nice and quiet, maybe light a candle, and sit down and make a list of sort of a year-in-review things that happened, people, you met, places you visited, your accomplishments, your blessings, your struggles, and the ways that you have grown over the past year.

And then I want you to consider all the thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, and habits that you’ve engaged in over the past year, or it could be years or decades or lifetime that don’t serve you and that you would like to change. And write these on a separate sheet of paper. Some examples of this are physical things like bad eating habits, going to bed too late, working too much, or limiting beliefs that you have come to live by. 

So after you’ve written down the things that don’t serve you that you’re ready to release, I want you to put it in a bowl or in the fireplace and let it burn. And just watch your words turn into smoke and visualize all these unwanted thoughts just being released up into the universe.

Another beautiful thing that you can do that I’m going to try this year is attaching them to a sky lantern, which is one of those paper lanterns you buy. And when you light it, it floats up into the sky. Or you can get a floating lantern, put your paper on it, and just release it into the water and watch it float away. And when you’re doing this, really focus on the release, focus on letting it go, visualize all these things floating away from you. And then, then after you’ve released all these things that don’t serve you, that you don’t want for yourself in the new year, 

Step two

On New Year’s Day or sometime early in the year, take some time for yourself, go to a quiet space, breathe deeply for a few minutes, clear your mind and then write down the goals for what you want to manifest in your life.

Try this as a brainstorming exercise. Don’t edit yourself. Don’t listen to doubts that come into your head. Don’t think about whether or not this is actually possible for you. Think big, okay? The universe loves to be generous, so don’t worry about being greedy or writing too much. Just keep writing until it’s all out there. And the next thing, and this is really, really, really important. After you write these things out, rewrite them in the present tense as if you already have them. So what I mean by this is, if you wrote down, get healthy, I want you to make the second list in “I am” form. So, I am healthy, I am at a comfortable weight, I love my body, and I have self-confidence.

So everything that you want to bring into your life, write it down as if you already have it, and then sit with it and experience what you’re feeling, what it would feel like to live as if you already had these things. That’s the most important part because it’s the energy of having those things that are going to draw them to you that’s going to attract these situations to you. And then once you have this list ready, place it somewhere where you will see it regularly. If you can see it every day, that would be ideal. Treat it as something really sacred and go back to it frequently and read what you wrote aloud.

And feel free to edit and add things throughout the year. But in constantly going back to these and repeating them to yourself, you’re going to train your mind to believe that the these things can happen for you. 

Step Three

Step back and observe. Have gratitude for all the things in your life that begin to manifest. Celebrate your wins. Keep yourself from beating yourself up or getting discouraged if some of the things that you want aren’t happening. 

So this whole year, you’re going to be moving toward what you want to manifest. And it all starts with doing the internal work.

I also want to clarify that manifesting and attracting things to you doesn’t just happen because you write it down. It takes beliefs, thoughts, and actions that are in alignment with the direction that you want to go. These actions don’t have to be huge. You don’t have to go in January and quit your job, end a relationship, or start a new relationship. You just have to take one small step in that direction, and that will start to put things into motion. This is a beautiful way to end the year by releasing what you no longer want to bring with you into the new year and then begin the new year with all your hopes and dreams and excitement, and abundance that you want for the coming year. And that’s what I want for you.