I had a special guest on the podcast this week, Judith Richey. Judith is a certified practitioner,  healer, and an amazing woman who does amazing work. Judith works with other women to help them heal what she calls “soul wounds” – the deeper reasons life doesn’t seem to be working, whether in relationships, careers, or other aspects of life.

She also walks us through how to use muscle testing, a healing method to access your soul’s wisdom to get definitive answers to what direction you’re supposed to go, identify and clear patterns and blocks that are weighing you down, and help you make decisions and choices when you know you need a change.

Introducing Muscle Testing

Judith uses muscle testing to give you access to your soul’s wisdom because every one of us has the answers within. And when we get the appropriate tools to be able to access that, then we can get those definitive, “Yes, do this.”, “No, don’t do that.” We don’t predict the future, but we can ask questions about the past, even our karmic past. We can find out what those patterns are, those interferences or the blocks that we keep bumping into that are preventing us from having our heart’s desires in our life.

Words are also so important. So instead of saying, I want to lose 37 pounds. Let’s change your wording. I choose to release 37 pounds. And when we’re talking about the physicality of the things we’re facing, holding onto that extra weight is one thing on the spiritual side. We hold onto emotional weight, the weight of the past, and the weight of the pain. 

By using muscle testing and being able to guide us through what direction we are going to release family patterns, generational patterns, phobias, and the way trauma has affected us. We have an actual physical response to holding onto these things. I’ve come to believe that there’s no negative emotion or positive emotion. They all serve a beautiful purpose for us. But let’s just use that terminology for negative emotion. When we’re holding onto those, we see a physical response to that. So Judith helps you through a spiritual release of those things that are weighing you down.

Breaking Through

Muscle tasting can be a breakthrough, and the transformation step is the last part of it. And that comes through the specific healing techniques we use, and there’s a whole toolbox. Judith does everything from energy medicine techniques to the Enneagram to determine types of wounds that we carry based on our personality types all the way to some very advanced spiritual warfare type healing. And depending on what the person calls for, it might be something as simple as tapping around or clearing some curses, or dealing with some otherworldly things. 

The beauty is being able to have the awareness, get to the breakthrough point, and then actually experience the transformation.