As mothers, many of us are starting or will experience the “second act,” second stage, or transitional period in our lives. 

This is when our kids have gotten older and we’re ready to transition from staying at home to going back to work. Well, where do we even begin?

As a mother we have tons of responsibilities. We want to care for and tend to our families, but with a job on top of it all, how will we be able to fulfill our duties without depleting ourselves of our energy? 

I spoke with certified mind coach, Claire Stadhouder on the Body Boss podcast to give her best tips.

Assessing the challenges

A lot of us may be gearing up for this transitional period, are in the thick of it all and may be met with quite a few challenges along the way. 

One of the biggest challenges that women face during this time have to do with their energy or dealing with the guilt of how to manage everything that’s on their plate during this time. 

Some may be struggling with getting enough sleep or being able to get everything done and then are left with very little energy to be able to give to others like their family.

It’s a cycle that is very easy to fall into during this tough stage of life, but it’s also a major signal that you are in need of balance during this time. So, what are some ways you can get some of that balance back?

Find what brings you joy

When you find something that you really connect with and brings you joy, it has the power to energize you. No matter what this may be for you, even if it’s only five minutes of doing this activity, it can power you more than you know. 

Stress is one of the biggest factors that can drain us. Being able to create a space where you make time for what helps you feel more balanced will give you some control back. It will help you feel more at peace and can give you the energy to do more of what you want to do. 

Add time for yourself of your to-do list

Additionally, the things that bring us joy, energize us, or rejuvenate us are what we want to make a point to add to our to-do lists. Whether it’s going for a walk, talking to a friend, listening or watching an episode of your favorite show, these are all important things to prioritize.

So often, we feel guilty, selfish or lazy for taking time to ourselves but when you go back to the activities that bring you joy, you become more focused and efficient. Opening your mind up to that reality is a big shift, but can make a world of a difference.

Remember that it is ok to reschedule or say ‘no’

Comparison is one of the biggest struggles so many of us face, not only in this transitional period of our lives, but in our day-to-day lives. We look at others getting so much done in a day and wonder why they can do it all so easily, but it’s such a challenge for us. 

Everyone is different. You never know what support someone else has or what they’re jeapordizing in order to check everything off of their to-do list. 

It’s always important to keep in mind what your top needs are in a day. You’re only human and cannot get everything done at once. It’s always ok to say ‘no’ to something if it will no longer serve you or work for you. By pushing something to later or rescheduling, you’re allowing yourself and others around you to get a better version of you when you do complete the task.

As women, boundaries are important to set

As women, mothers, nurturers are so much more, we constantly want to please and be there for others. In the end, we’re often left less productive, more tired, and lack the energy that we need to do more.

Setting boundaries around our time and our energy and making it a point to stick to those boundaries will allow us to be present when we need to. It will create the success that we want in our own lives.

In today’s day and age, it’s important as ever that we shift our mindset by looking inwards and making sure we’re giving ourselves what we need in order to give ourselves fully to others.