Many of my listeners, including myself, are navigating this transformative stage of our lives, otherwise known as midlife.

It’s a time in our lives where we’re going through physical, mental and emotional changes, but with that level of change and chaos in our lives during this time, there’s also something transformative and powerful about it.

This is the perfect opportunity to take in all of the chaos and really evaluate what’s working, what isn’t working, and what you want this exciting stage of your life to look like.

Navigating transformational change

A phrase that I think best describes midlife is that it is a “perfect storm.”

There is a storm of so many things coming together, all while dealing with a changing body.

Our children may be moving out, we may be navigating new challenges in our personal relationship, our jobs, our health, all kinds of things. 

This time of our lives can certainly be a challenge, but there are so many ways to identify the positive within it all. While challenging, you’ll also gain so much knowledge, wisdom, and self confidence—maybe even more than you’ve ever experienced for yourself before.

It’s looking at yourself in the mirror, and accepting all of the challenges you are facing without beating yourself up for it. You’re owning that you’re healthy, strong and working hard to be your best self every single day.

7 steps to rock your midlife

So, to rock your midlife, where do you begin? Here are 7 steps taken from Dr. Ellen Albertson’s book, “Rock Your Midlife.”

  • Authenticity 

Rocking your midlife starts with being yourself. If you’re not being yourself as you’re climbing up this stage of your life, you’re not going to be truly happy inside. Instead, you’ll be fulfilling your life for others and not yourself which will leave you feeling empty inside.  It’s important to know yourself, identify your core values, and know what you stand for.

  • Love yourself

Loving yourself is one thing, but the challenge is learning how to do that. One of the best ways to practice this more in your day-to-day life is to treat yourself like you would a good friend. 

Give yourself what you need and practice self-compassion rather than beating yourself up for when things go wrong. Learn how to process your emotions and accept yourself for who you are. When you treat yourself like a good friend, you start to love yourself.

  • Energize yourself

This step is all about raising your vibration, and increasing your energy physiologically. 

At midlife, us women need more protein, more vitamins, and more nutrients to support our bodies as we go through physical and hormonal changes.

We may be dealing with trouble sleeping, hormonal fluctuations, anxiety and depression, and so much more that make it all the more important to take care of our body and manage our energy levels at this time.

  • Reprogram your brain

Our mindset during this time is key. It’s about maintaining a positive mindset without the toxic positivity.

As we navigate the changes in our lives during this time, it’s important that we not only take the time to process our difficult emotions, but also remind ourselves what we have control over, and determine how to stay optimistic that everything is going to be just fine.

  • Empower yourself

A lot of women, no matter what difficult situation they may be dealing with, tend to give their power away. 

Empowerment is all about figuring out your power from within and how you can best advocate for yourself even during the toughest moments.

  • Rehab your relationships

Often, when you start to flourish and transform, a lot of people look at you and see you in a way that they used to relate to you. They don’t want to accept your newfound growth and confidence. 

One of the biggest chapters during this time is to really rehab your relationships. It’s about letting go of those who no longer serve you, and keeping those who are willing to support you on your journey, close. 

  • Enlighten yourself

The final step is enlightenment. This is about finding meaning and finding purpose during this time of your life. 

So many of the challenges that us women go through at midlife makes us wiser and stronger in many ways. It may be tough to see the light at the end, but it’s holding on to hope and faith that you will see the other side of it all. 

Midlife can truly be an incredible experience for all of us. We’re growing, developing and evolving, and there is a lot we can take away from it that can allow us to be the best, most authentic versions of ourselves, no matter what stage of life we are in.

become more focused and efficient. Opening your mind up to that reality is a big shift, but can make a world of a difference.

Remember that it is ok to reschedule or say ‘no’

Comparison is one of the biggest struggles so many of us face, not only in this transitional period of our lives, but in our day-to-day lives. We look at others getting so much done in a day and wonder why they can do it all so easily, but it’s such a challenge for us. 

Everyone is different. You never know what support someone else has or what they’re jeopardizing in order to check everything off of their to-do list. 

It’s always important to keep in mind what your top needs are in a day. You’re only human and cannot get everything done at once. It’s always ok to say ‘no’ to something if it will no longer serve you or work for you. By pushing something to later or rescheduling, you’re allowing yourself and others around you to get a better version of you when you do complete the task.

As women, boundaries are important to set

As women, mothers, nurturers are so much more, we constantly want to please and be there for others. In the end, we’re often left less productive, more tired, and lack the energy that we need to do more.

Setting boundaries around our time and our energy and making it a point to stick to those boundaries will allow us to be present when we need to. It will create the success that we want in our own lives.

In today’s day and age, it’s important as ever that we shift our mindset by looking inwards and making sure we’re giving ourselves what we need in order to give ourselves fully to others.